
- Andy Martin
CHARLESTON, WV 25313 (304) 542-2605
For 30+ years, APTIM has provided high-quality, comprehensive, innovative, and personalized services to the petrochemical, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. Our professional team of technical staff and project managers are highly trained experts in Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR). We customize programs to fit individual client needs and budgets and offer a wide variety of environmental services.
Our LDAR expertise offers a customized fit for every type of program need. We have the skills, resources and experience to provide a range of services, starting at routine bulk monitoring support all the way up to and beyond full program development and management. Additionally we provide support services such as tagging, field verifications, compliance and efficiency evaluations, emissions calculation, and reporting. Be it a single, unique situation for which you require assistance, or managing the entirety of your environmental needs, we’ll design and deliver the right solution for you.
APTIM's environmental scope doesn't stop at just LDAR. We offer an array of other comprehensive environmental consulting and field services that include complete project life cycles for tasks such as remediation, decommissioning, decontamination and demolition, environmental planning and permitting, construction and engineering and waste management and air quality services. Be it a single, unique situation for which you require assistance, or managing the entirety of your environmental needs, we’ll design and deliver the right solution for you.
Beyond environmental offerings, APTIM is a true 21st century logistics powerhouse. Our Integrated Maintenance team focuses on supporting our clients in everything from plant maintenance, operations, reliability, plant engineering, construction, planning and scheduling, scaffolding, painting, insulating, tank repairs, predictive maintenance, and turnaround/outage services. We offer these services to approximately ~60 clients at 120+ locations worldwide. We are active in the manufacturing, chemical, petrochemical, refining, pulp and paper, and metal industries. We offer a dynamic team approach to ensure successful execution of every project phase by implementing our integrated maintenance model. Our business model offers our clients a true single source maintenance provider.
APTIMs extensive environmental, power and maintenance capabilities give us an industry edge through collaboration and shared resources. We have the skills and experience to build or solve all of your logistical needs.
- Light Remediation
- Consultants
- Leak Detection & Repair (LDAR)
- Environmental Services
- Inspections
- Site Restoration
- Regulatory Compliance