Kraft Power Corp
- Brian Tucker
- 4039 Millennium Blvd
Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 830-4158

Company Spotlight
Kraft Power has been a leader in the Power Generation, CHP and Oil & Gas sectors Sales, Services, planned Maintenance, Emergency repair, Load Bank testing since 1965. We are a Channel Partner of INNIO Waukesha Engine and Sell New, Rebuilt and used Natural Gas & Diesel Generators and Engines. At Kraft we also sell many Engine & Generator parts and Accessories, Ignition Systems & parts, Controls & Instrumentation and Power Transmission Equipment, Clutches, PTO's, Pump Drives, Fluid Couplings and Flexible Couplings. With Branches in Massillon, OH, Gaylord, MI, Woburn, MA, Pompton Plains, NJ, Suwanee, GA, Charlotte, NC and Syracuse, NY.
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